“God made us for joy.”
-St.Pope John Paul II
As Christians, we are called to share the joy of the Gospel with our brothers and sisters across the world. Our baptismal call is missionary: to be faithful witnesses of the Word and hope! The world can push us to think that we can be satisfied by media, money, or superficial things. When in reality, it is only by the authentic love of Jesus that we will overflow with His great joy.
Let us strive to be a vessel of His love.
An encounter with the living god
Morgan's call to living out the great commission
I was born and raised in the red shoe clickin' state of Kansas. Being a cradle Catholic, my family went to Mass, but I did not have a personal relationship with Jesus until my freshman year at Kansas State University.
One evening a friend invited me to a candle-lit mass at Saint Isidore's Catholic Student Center. As I walked in, the only seat open was in the front row... of course! Almost instantly, I began to weep without knowledge as to why. During the consecration of the Eucharist, the priest spoke the words, "This is my Body, which will be given up for You." I heard my name at the end of this phrase. "Morgan, I gave it up for you."
Even though I was not living a life that would be pleasing to the Lord, Jesus wanted to be near, love, and forgive me. I continued to weep. Curiosity arose, who was this "God" I thought I knew?
After mass, I talked to a priest who challenged me to come to Mass more often and begin a relationship with Jesus. It took months before my heart was open to this thought.
A fellow friend and FOCUS missionary invited me to a SEEK conference and a mission trip with The Missioners of Christ. These experiences pulled me out of my comfort zone, stripped me from my pleasures, and allowed me to sit face-to-face with Jesus in the Eucharist and the poor.
In March of 2019, after the mission trip, I could not help but speak about what I had seen and heard (reference to Acts 4:20). This fire for mission led me to serve a summer with Totus Tuus in the Wichita Diocese.
The Totus Tuus program completely transformed my spiritual life. I began to hear the Lord calling me to something more in my daily prayer. Although, feelings of unworthiness continued to surround me. Thankfully, through the support of my friends and the grace of God, I was encouraged to visit Family Missions Company and joined the internship program in September of 2019. Living in the community at FMC gave me a greater love for the gospel and serving the poor.
After a year and a half of serving with FMC, I grew tremendously, but the Lord had other plans for what the next two years would entail. He took me back to Honduras, where He first captivated my heart for missions and invited me back for a time of formation, healing, and serving. Now, I am living and serving alongside the international community of the Missioners of Christ in Comayagua, Honduras.
Jesus is on the move. I am passionate that He, is the answer to what the world is seeking so desperately. We are called to surrender and be a vessel.
This site, is a place that I am striving to share the ways in which He is moving in my very ordinary life and bring glory to Him through writing, photography, and art. All praise and glory be to our King, Jesus Christ.
Contact Morgan
“Christ cannot be kept out of the history of man in any part of the globe, at any longitude or latitude of geography. The exclusion of Christ from the history of man is an act against man… the history of each person unfolds in Jesus Christ.”
-Saint Pope John Paul II
If you would like to partner with me to bring Christ to all people, contact me below!