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Writer's pictureMorgan

Alone with the Holy Family

Carolina sat alone with a face longing for someone to talk with her. Surrounded by people, yet nobody seemed to notice the sweet eyes that watched the craziness of the bonfire.

"How are you doing?" I asked with a joyful tone.

"I am okay," she replied with a shaking voice. I looked at her again and asked if she wanted to talk. Immediately, she got up and led me to a space where nobody was except for the cross hanging in the front of the room.

We were just two daughters sitting in front of our Father. Carolina handed me her heart, opening up about her feelings of loneliness.

"I do not understand. I am around people but feel alone," she spoke with such maturity for a young teen.

Equally, I shared my own experiences of loneliness and assured her that she was not alone in this struggle. As I looked up at the cross, I begged for the grace to do whatever the Lord was inviting me to do in this tender moment.

"Well, what are we going to do about this feeling?" I asked plainly. She quickly looked for an outlet but felt the urge to invite her to pray with me. We went to the nearby chapel and sat between the Tabernacle and Our Lady of Guadalupe. What a perfect place to be.

We began by chatting about the Holy Family and how they are always with us no matter where we are in the world. Her face lit up as I pulled out my rosary. There seemed to be a peace that filled the room as we prayed together. I imagined all of the female saints gathering around us in prayer. At that moment, Carolina offered up the last decade by saying, "Jesus, thank you for the peace that only you can give."

Tears filled my eyes. It was simple, profound, and proof that our Lord was so close and listening to even our smallest petitions.

After reflecting on this intimate moment with Jesus and Carolina, there is no doubt that the feelings of loneliness continue to plague this generation, especially in the recent times of COVID.

I believe that we can look closely at the life of our Lord and see that He is a God of relationship. One example of the love that Jesus has for us is found so clearly in the Holy Mass where He sacrifices all to share His life with us, to live in us.

"The moment when Heaven meets earth, my soul rejoices. All is pure. There is a kiss of the Lord that is upon all people gathered in His holy name. In union with Him, my soul radiates with His light."

- A reflection after receiving Holy Communion this past week

Throughout the past year, I have found myself in situations where I feel unqualified and unable to do the work that the Lord was asking of me. Although, knowing that I can run to the Holy Mass to receive our Lord every day gives me the strength to keep living for His glory.

As Carolina said, there is a peace that only He can give.

All praise and glory to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

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