Dear Mexico,
When I first heard your name I was scared of you. The way other people spoke about you transformed my mind into thinking the same. Often times you were in the spotlight and made the people I love scared to see you for what you really are. I was blind to your beauty and all of the things that you had to offer me.
I traveled miles upon miles with my brothers and sisters in Christ to encounter and love your people. When we arrived I was amazed by the beauty that you held. Life was dialed back a few notches and my dear Mexico, you began to transform my heart.
Each morning, we were greeted with a cheerful "Buenos Días." I felt known. Without any electronics covering the faces of those around us I was able to gaze deep into the eyes of the elderly and newborns. Healing was bestowed in the lives of many that we encountered.
There was authenticity. There was conversation. There was encounter.
Mexico, you formed my heart to admire the creation of this earth. From the valleys, to the tip tops of the mountains I was constantly reminded of the power of our Creator. Even though I tripped through thorns and slopes you lifted me up to the One who deserves all of the glory.
Thank you for the sun you woke me up with each morning and the stars that sang us to sleep. From your rooftops we celebrated life and sat in awe of the One who created us.
Mexico oh Mexico, you opened my eyes to life beyond my comforts.